Thursday, February 19, 2009

"We're going to Miami..."...wish we weren't

(Thanks, Will Smith.)

Yes, my connecting flight from LA to Miami finally arrived, after what felt like a very long 5-hours.
The flight from LA to Miami was about 5-hours, from memory. It was an older plane...not very pleasing to zee eye. However, my favour with the 'flight gods' continued and I was granted another little 2-seater to myself. 'Twas quite nice. I flew with American Airlines, and let me just say...coming straight from Qantas to AA...Qantas trumps all! haha. AND I would like to point out that AA should change their dress code for their flight attendants, as it's quite disgraceful! Hair out, looking messy, dresses or pants and blouse, circa 1980's/1990's and barely any smiles. Jess, should totally train them!

So, we get to Miami, on time. Which is cool. Arrival at 9:45pm and anticipate leaving MIA around 11:30pm. Sweet!Once I got into the terminal I went and purchased some 'Cuban pastries' and a bottle of water.

Then it turned bad! Annoyance 1: There was no wireless internet I could access, without paying for it. And I'd already paid like $8 in LAX for internet, I totally didn't want to again.
Annoyance 2: The morning that I left was the same morning that my cold like completely attacked! I was hoping that it would have passed but no, it was and still is very much enjoying it's time infecting my body. Woo. So I was all coughy and runny-nose-y and just blahhhhh.
Anonyance 3: It was freeeeeeeezing. Brrr. I was shivering a ridiculous amount. I even had to stick my sock on! Socks and Havaiana's ohh yeahhhh.
Annoyance 4: They (I'm not sure who "they" are, but..nevertheless, THEY) were late bringin the plane over from the hanger. So our flight was originally delayed by 40minutes. Putting the departure time back til 12.10am. A few people were a bit filthy over that, but really...when you read what comes next, there was really no reason to complain. A 40minute delay would have been great...but...
Annoyance 5: They took longer than anticipated to clean the plane and get it ready for us to board. We started boarding at around 12:30am and then went and taxi'd for a while from 12:45am. After taxi-ing for AN HOUR we were told that our aircraft was not fit to fly, meaning that everyone (on the ridiculously FULL flight) had to get off. Yay.
Annoyance 5: They couldn't find a replacement plane that was ready for us. So that involved more waiting around in the colddd terminal.
NOTE: At 11pm, I took Melatonin to help me sleep on the plane, so that I wouldn't suffer from jetlag. I had to like FIGHT the Melatonin to stay awake. I was sooo sleepy that my vision was blurring and I couldn't keep my eyelids open! It was so hardddd. So let's just keep in mind that I'm fighting the Melatonin. So bad. So when we where just taxi-ing, I was already asleep and didn't understand that we hadn't actually left the airport when I was woken by everyone moving on out!! haha.
Annoyance 6: blah blah blah trying to stay awake we end up starting to board sometime around 3am and FINALLY leave the tarmac at around 3:30am. (I kept checking my watch)
Annoyance 7: Upon arriving in Lima I realised just how disadvantaged I am for not knowing the language. Ohhh man. And charades doesn't help as much as I hoped it would. haha.

Lima - Cuzco was ok. My cold was driving me insane though. Non stop runny nose. Couldn't breathe, coughing and having that sick feeling in my head and like being able to taste it. Grossssss. The plane was really nice though. Leather seats. really clean. And the flight attendants were well-presented also.

I am now in Cuzco. Sitting in the liiiittle room the motel have set up for the internet. I don't know where the light switch is, so I'm typing this using only the backlight from the computer screen. It's hurting my eyes a little. My glasses are up in my bag...and I can't be bothered to get them. I should go and get dinner soon.
Maaan Cuzco is crazy! Think Slumdog MIllionaire but change the Indians for South Americans and that's very much what it's like. I wish you could all be here to see the cobbled streets, colourful buildings, mountains, crazycrazy drivers, dirt roads, falling down fences and abandoned shacks.
I'm a bit lonely. So that could be why I want everyone over here also. I've cried way too much today. I'm like one of those middle-aged women!

I want to post photos. Buuut I have to figure out how I can do that when I don't have internet on my computer. Maybe I'll buy an internet thing? I don't know.

I hope I'm well for my trek at the end of the week.

hugs hugs kisses and love to all....although I think I need it more than you!!
wah wah wahhhh haha


  1. Sounds like quite the experience, I know you are feeling a bit down, but I am 99.9% sure that in a bit of time you will love the people. I hope you feel better and are able to make the trail. Thanks for the link, looking forward to your many updates!
