Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Goodbye Sydney, I Love You...

I finally left.
It always seemed like one of those things that was spoken about but would never come to pass.
It has. 

I'm currently sitting in a very average airport terminal in LAX. It's 10:30am, Tuesday 17th Feb (making it 5:30am, Wednesday 18th Feb back home). I get to have the 17th all over again. It wasn't a bad day, so I'm not overly fussed. If this time around it turns out to be bad, at least I've had one good one, right? 
Anyway, I've been in LA for about 3 1/2 hours now; and have another 2-ish hours til my flight to Miami leaves. It's rainy, cold, grey...and I'm in havainas...soooo any trip outside is kept to a maximum of 3-minutes -- otherwise my feet start to freeeeze (it's 9 degrees celcius). 

I have one or two pictures, from the two flights I've been on thus far; but I have packed my camera connector cable AND laptop charger in my baggage that was checked in. Disappointing; as I wanted to post them on here. They aren't fantastic amazing wonderful pictures that you HAVE to see...but y'know. 

I got really sad on the plane. I'm gone for what, at this stage, seems like such a long time. I almost started crying. Soft, I know. (This coming from someone who completely refrains from showing any emotion. Haha. We all crack at some stage I guess) I hope some of my friends email me. That would be nice. I miss everyone already. 

The flights were good. 
Syd-Bris was fine. I was surrounded by Japanese tourists, so that was cool. (I'm talking the rows in-front, behind and to the side) I love those people! I was thinking about it, and I think there are so many more cool asians than cool caucasians. There so are.
Bris-LA was a little long. The Qantas lady back in Sydney (Vesna, is her name) was so lovely and put me in an aisle seat right next to the kitchenette and near an exit, so there was lots of room. HOWEVER I was one of those annoying people who changed their seat/row as soon as the seatbeat sign was switched off -- I managed to get a little 2-seat-row to myself...I was too slow to get one of the 3 or 4 -seat rows, but 2-seats is better than the 1. I was able to lay in a fairly coiled up position, which provided some comfort when attempting to sleep. I also stood up for about 2 and a bit hours, so I'm hoping that has reduced my risk for deep-vein-thrombosis. I know that you can get it after only one flight, so it's lucky I stood up! (haha, I'm joking, but it is good that I stood up. It gets a little cramped otherwise). Food was fine. InFlight Entertainment was great...but I didn't really like looking at a screen that close to your face! So I didn't watch much, at all. I'm not sure how I passed the time; but somehow it happened. Sleep didn't come overly easily. As a result I'm actually feeling a little tired now. Buuuuut I have to stay awake til I get onto the Miami-Lima flight tonight, (at approx. 11:30pm) Yay. So good hey, so good. 

I'm getting restless and agitated and can't stay on this laptop any longer. 

I swear everyone here in LAX fits the stereotype that you see in like every American television show/film. The cops, custom ladies, fast-food servers, construction workers, security, etc. It's ridiculous. I want to take pictures of all of them and show you, but I'm a bit chicken. You'll just have to take my word for it. 
Ahhhh I think it's 45minute nap time :)

Te echo de menos todos los


  1. loveee love love your blog! don't cry dear :( your blog is so entertaining haha! can't wait for more xx

  2. Yep.

    I said it twice.

    So I'll say it a third time for good measure.

    Maybe there are just more Asians...
