Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spanish. Girls. Puppies.

I’ve been dragging my feet into my Spanish classes this week. We’ve been working on grammar and all the confusing aspects associated with that. I love English. English at school was potentially one of my favourite subjects. I love grammar and punctuation and things that are well-written and blah blah blah but when it comes to trying to learn the basics in another language…it’s not so fun! Haha. All the ‘esta’ ‘estas’ ‘este’ ‘estes’ ‘ese’ ‘somo’ ‘hay’ etc….it drive me crazy! The others in my class also get private lessons, so I’m really feeling like I’m lagging! I keep trying though. Ahhhhh. Slightly annoying. It’s ok though. I’ll have some usable phrases memorized by the time I come home. I may not be able to write a sentence or even remember how to form one properly…but I’m ok with that! 

The orphanage is going well. The girls are just the best. I love them! They come up to you with big smiles and hugs at the ready. “Hola senorita! Hola senorita!”

I’ve been playing with them on their play equipment, starting ball games and just hanging out. They are so adorable…and love being the subject of the photo or the photographer. It’s fun to go there in the afternoons. It really improves my mood and I know it’s improving empathetic, sympathetic and any other motherly feelings. Bethany had two BIG boxes of undies/singlet’s/toothbrushes/socks/shoes/dolls/t-shirts, etc for the orphanage, which her employers sent over from California. The next day, after all the goods had been distributed, all the girls would come up to her and hug her and say “muchos gracias senorita!”. They genuinely looked grateful. It was so lovely to see.

Watching them all interact as they play games and do their homework and run around with each other is fascinating. You see who the leaders are and who the little monkeys are and who is tend to stick to the shadows. They are all so nice to each other and thus far I have never seen a fight break out or one be mean to another.

I am so convinced that everyone needs to do some kind of volunteer work. There is something for everyone and I just know that it would be such a positive and wonderful experience. I honestly wish my friends were here and were able to help out with me. I can’t stress enough how good it would be for them. Not that they are bad people or anything, but I just want everyone to feel what I feel and experience what I’m experiencing. I feel I go on about this a bit, but honestly…everyone would benefit!! COME AND VISIT.

I have only 5 more weekends here in Peru. Which is slightly crazy. I’ll be hitting up the USA in only a month’s time! It still only feels like my second week here. I was reading through my ‘Lonely Planet’ guide earlier this week and started making a list of all the places, in a relatively close vicinity that I want to visit. I have at least 4 overnight trips and a few others in and around Cuzco. The next month will be fairly packed! I’m a little apprehensive about these trips, as unless I pay for an organized tour (which I want to steer clear of as much as possible, as they will most likely over-charge me…as with any tourist) I will be going by myself. I know a few people here, and also know that they are waiting for friends to come over and travel to all the touristy stuff with them or they have a few more months and are going to leave it till later. I’m not overly-confident about going by myself, not for any other reason than I don’t have a fantastic grasp of the language. PLUS it’s not the safest country to be wandering around on your own when you don’t speak Spanish. Haha. This weekend I think I’ll just be sticking near Cuzco. I’lll go see ‘Temple de la Luna’, ‘Sacsayhuaman’, ‘Pukapukara’, Tambomachy’ and the like. These and a few other ruins and sanctuaries are all within and hour of the city. Buses and taxi’s run up the frequently, so I shouldn’t have too many problems.

One of the other volunteers, who I have mentioned previously, Bethany, leaves today. She was really cool and we became friends for the few weeks that our time here overlapped. Last night, we made dinner and she wanted it to be an all-American feast – so we bought 6 boxes of Kraft Mac and Cheese, and also a loaf of white bread, grape jam/jelly and crunchy peanut butter. We had a table piled high with Mac and Cheese and Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. Haha. It was pretty funny. We had an unexpected dinner guest from Maximo Nivel come. I felt bad that we wasn’t able to try the wonderful food that Joni makes for dinner, but he seemed to like the ultra-processed food we had prepared. Haha. I have photos and they will go up on Facebook soon (along with photos from the orphanage). Last weekend, Bethany came home with a PUPPY. She paid s/35 (AUD$17.50) her. (NB: her friend also bought a puppy –presumably a husky cross- and only paid s/5 or AUD$2.50) Bethany named the little cutie CHASKA, which means ‘star’. She is a Labrador cross and a darker brown colour. So so cute. Bethany’s friend paid off the vet to sign all the forms and say that the dog is fit and well and old enough to travel. In reality, we all fairly accurately guess the puppies ages to be, oh, I don’t know, 4 weeks! So wrong. Bethany was going to take Chaska with her, however she has now decided that she will leave her in the care of me…until some friends of the family we live with come and pick her up. CRAZY. I’m thinking of buying a little turtle for s/25….just like my little babies at home. Ha.

It’s Friday, 13 March for me; but Saturday, 14 March for everyone back in Sydney…so…HAPPY BIRTHDAY LACHLAN J I love you and am thinking of you (and will bring some good presents!)



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